
Why You Shouldn’t Play “Pick and Mix” with Your Face | Importance of Researching Your Facial Plastic Surgeon

Getting plastic surgery is a big decision that can have a significant impact on your appearance and well-being. But how do you ensure that you are choosing the right surgeon for the job? Researching your facial plastic surgeon is crucial to ensure a safe and successful procedure. The popularity of plastic surgery has skyrocketed in recent years, resulting in a surge of both qualified and unqualified practitioners. It is essential to take the time to thoroughly research your plastic surgeon to avoid potential risks or regrets. Choosing the right facial plastic surgeon is crucial for achieving the desired results and ensuring your safety.

What Is A Plastic Surgeon?

Plastic surgeons are highly trained and qualified medical professionals who specialize in providing cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to patients. Plastic surgeons know the exact precision needed for any type of aesthetic procedure ranging from minor touchups to full body lifts. While other non-specialist doctors may legally perform certain types of cosmetic treatments such as facial injections or body contouring treatments, these doctors are not equipped with the specialized knowledge that plastic surgeons possess.

Plastic surgeons primarily use their knowledge and skills to provide clients with solutions that will help bring back their former youthful appearance as well as correct physical characteristics they aren’t happy with due to genetics, age, or medical conditions. It is important for patients seeking any type of cosmetic enhancement to make sure a qualified surgeon performs the procedure for optimal results.

Does Your Facial Plastic Surgeon Need To Be Board Certified?

When seeking out a qualified and trustworthy facial plastic surgeon, it is essential to make sure that they are board certified. This means that the plastic surgeon has received specialized training in the practice of cosmetic surgery by completing pre-med courses, a doctor of medicine degree (MD), surgical residency training with acknowledged mentors, and a three-year cosmetic surgery residency. Board-certified plastic surgeons need to continuously advance their knowledge by earning continuing medical education credits (CMEs) over the course of their careers as well.

Plastic surgery is an unpredictable field that contains potential risks for patients if too hastily performed. To ensure mastery under such demanding circumstances, these cosmetic surgeons must demonstrate substantial expertise in anatomical science and all kinds of complex surgical procedures before they are able to acquire board certification. In addition, they must prove sufficient competency in ethics code implementation and patient safety management protocols throughout their surgeries.

Hire a board-certified plastic surgeon

Tip For Choosing The Perfect Facial Plastic Surgeon 

Although board certification is a non-negotiable factor in choosing a facial plastic surgeon, there are other factors that require careful consideration on your part. In order to ensure you find the perfect person to complete your plastic surgery procedure, we have collated expert tips to aid your research process.

1. Read Patient Reviews 

Reading patient reviews can be incredibly useful in helping you make decisions about cosmetic procedures. It can provide insight into the quality of care that patients have experienced, whether they were satisfied with their treatment or not, and what kind of atmosphere they encountered at the facility. A positive review not only provides confirmation that you made the right choice but includes details such as how friendly and attentive the staff was, how clean the premises were, etc.

In addition, negative reviews may offer valuable experiences that can help you decide if certain medical facilities should be considered. Although unpleasant to read, a bad review can provide feedback on elements such as inadequate explanations from administrative staff, long waiting times for appointments, and rudeness from surgeons and nurses. Having these stories to reflect upon before making your decision will undoubtedly be helpful in finding a surgery that meets your needs and ensures positive outcomes.

2. Consider The Surgeon’s Experience 

The amount of experience a facial plastic surgeon has can vary significantly between practitioners. It is vital that your surgeon has adequate experience performing specific types of procedures in order to give you peace of mind that they know what they are doing. Experience does not necessarily denote expertise, as there are many other factors that play into who makes the best surgeon for your particular needs.

However, it does provide assurance regarding their knowledge and practice of surgical techniques, abilities to operate under pressure, and basic competency when dealing with the complexities of working directly with human anatomy. When searching for your own personal facial plastic surgeon, make sure they have enough experience performing the procedure you need prior to making surgery-related decisions.

3. Look At Before And After Photos 

When considering surgery, nothing speaks louder than the impact of before-and-after photos. It is important to review the before-and-after photo galleries that are available on your surgeon’s websites and request additional examples during consultation. These visuals provide tangible evidence of the artistic skill of the surgeon and his/her experience performing such surgeries.

If a doctor does not have pictures for you to evaluate, this can be an indication that they may not have sufficient experience in this field and should be avoided. When reviewing photo galleries, take note of how the patient’s body/face has been improved following surgery and try to find patients with similar features that you possess when considering breast enhancement, body contouring, or facial sculpting surgery.

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4. Pay Attention To Their Communication

Effective communication is a critical factor when it comes to choosing the right facial plastic surgeon. The ability to clearly articulate your concerns and expectations to the surgeon before the procedure is paramount in helping ensure you get the best result possible. Make sure your surgeon really gets your desired outcome and that they are passionate about delivering it. You should ask all relevant questions upfront during each consultation to gain a better understanding of the process and make sure that both parties are on the same page, especially regarding expectations for results, potential risks, and recovery timeframes.

5. Build A Relationship 

It’s important to build a relationship with your doctor so that you truly feel comfortable entrusting them with something as serious as plastic surgery. As such, look for red flags such as lack of attentiveness or unwillingness to answer questions honestly.  It’s essential to find a facial plastic surgeon who will provide support and understanding during this challenging process.

An experienced plastic surgeon will take the time to understand your needs, reply promptly to any questions or doubts you may have, and act as a reliable source of support before, during, and after the procedure. Beyond meeting requirements for medical expertise, they should create an atmosphere of empathy and respect through positive interactions that seek to meet every patient’s individual expectations.

Find The Perfect Facial Plastic Surgeon 

If you are looking for a plastic surgeon that you can trust with your facial plastic surgery procedure, look no further than Dr. Saman. Widely considered one of the best plastic surgeons in the United States, you can be sure that your body is safe in his hands. As a double-board-certified facial and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Saman has the relevant experience and expertise to ensure you achieve the outcome you desire. Whether you are looking for a signature Saman face, nose, or neck, he is here to make your cosmetic dreams come true.

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